Upstate New York ‘Jumbrat’

This type meal is local to Upstate New York specifically in a town called Utica. The meaning behind this meal is simple. It’s time for breakfast and your hungry and you need a good meal, so you continue to search your refrigerator for anything, meats, vegetables, cheese and you put in all into a pan,



cook it up and pour some eggs on top. Voila, you have a meal! For this specific ‘Jumbrat’ I used arugula, steak, green beans, spinach, and some bell peppers. This recipe is really easy, all you need to do is let this cook on low heat for a while, ( greens will soften steak will brown)


and then your ready for the eggs, however you can really put anything in the pan and I am sure it will come out good. The next step is to just poor them in, continue to cook at low heat and stir occasionally. Once your finished you can just scoop it out into some bowls eat up! This recipe is really good for big groups of people, for example you had some friends over or you just cooking breakfast for the family. Please feel free to share your creations by leaving a comment below!

