Chicken and Waffles, are they good?

The question has always been around, wether or not chicken and waffles are good? Can those two flavors bee combined into something tasty? The answer is loud and clear… YES! I might be biased because my mom cooked this meal, but I still stand by my position. The standard “Chicken and Waffles” meal has a guideline you must follow. Your meal must contain breaded and friend chicken…




accompanied by a stack of homemade waffles, frozen can work for either of these two parts, but lets be honest, homemade is so much better. The next part of meal is the sauces, one simply maple syrup and the other country gravy. The last thing one must do before you are allowed to gobble up all of this goodness. You have to properly assemble. Now depending on the size of the chicken this can change, but usually it is a 1:1 ratio, one piece of chicken one waffle… BUT THE ORDER  MATTERS! First step, waffle. Second Step, a light drizzle of syrup. Third Step, chicken. Fourth and final step, a tablespoon of gravy. Now you have officially made a masterpiece. Enjoy! I would love it if you could share your experience with “Chicken and Waffles” below!



P.S. The spoonful of of hash brown looking substance is mushroom casserole with hash browns and cheese!


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